Happy Lessons 6 Developing Literacy Skills Hi I can't believe I am up to blog number 6 and have had 1869 views so far, which I hope means people are finding it useful. If you are new to my blogs you might not know that up until 6 months ago I was a fun and I like to believe effective full time Primary Teacher and Key Stage 1 Leader but due to chronic ill health I could no longer follow my passion. I felt I had lost an amazing opportunity to share my knowledge and exchange ideas, but then I realised there are lots of different learning platforms and lots of different life lessons to be shared and so this blog was born Over 20 years of teaching I have learnt a very important thing about children and that is the only predictable thing about children is that they are unpredictable. Just like all children do not learn to walk on the same day, neither do they all read, write nor tie their own shoelaces. Each child is unique and will run to ...